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Can the factory Transmission Cooler be Bypassed on a 1996 Ford Taurus with 3.8 Liter Engine  


I have a 92 taurus 3.8L. My radiator has an internal leak and is pumping transmission fluid into the coolant side. If I just plug off the transmission fluid/radiator connections completely and install a Derale unit will it support the whole transmission fluid cooling load? That is, can I use it in place of the radiator and not just as a supplemental unit? I dont plan on hauling anything. Just passenger use.


Expert Reply:

If you are sure that the problem is a leak in the radiator and not indicative of a larger, potentially worse problem, it is possible to use a transmission cooler to bypass the factory cooler, though it is not the recommended method.

What you would need is the largest cooler that will fit in your engine compartment. You will want it as close to the airflow as possible. The out line from the transmission that is currently going to the factory cooler will instead need to go to the new cooler. The same goes for the return line. Then of course you would plug up the holes where the hoses used to be.

Ideally, you should use the Derale Hyper-Cool Extreme Remote Cooler Assembly, # D15870, that comes with its own fan, so it does not matter where it is placed. I have included a link to all of the remote coolers for you to view. I have also included a link to our FAQ article on transmission coolers.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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