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Recommended Wishbone Wiring Harness to Rewire Trailer with Surge Brakes  


I have a trailer that is 18 years old an Im having issues with my lights. I have zero patience when it comes to that so I want to just run a complete new set of wires and lights. My trailer has surge brakes. Im wondering if I should have this professionally done of if its something I could tackle myself. My main concern is will there be any wiring in my cross members behind my axels from side to side? Thank you


Expert Reply:

Rewiring your trailer is something that you can absolutely do easily and there are harnesses called wishbone harnesses that don't require any wiring across the trailer frame. I recommend the 35 ft. Wishbone 4-Way Trailer Wiring Harness with 42" Ground Wire # A35W42B. I've attached a review video as well as an installation video to assist. I've also attached an article on wiring to assist with diagrams. If you have the electric reverse lockout on your trailer coupler, you may want the 5-way flat # A40W5B instead to add that reverse function.

You may also be interested in the wire loom # 39035 and the clamps # A0500. Let me know if you have further questions.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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