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Troubleshooting a Tekonsha Voyager Brake Controller That is not Recognizing Trailer Connection  


2001 Dodge Ram . The controller does not light up when connected to the travel trailer. Ive checked the wiring and probed the blue wire. When the blue wire is probed the voyager green light comes on and I can manually get the light to work. I hauled another travel trailer and the same results. The controller does not light up and does not activate the electric brakes on either trailer. I have a voltage reading on the 7-way plug for the blue wire. I am wondering if it is time to replace the controller.


Expert Reply:

There may be a chance that your brake controller has malfunctioned and may need to be replaced. To make sure I have attached an article that will explain how to test the brake controller.

To check the output voltage at the rear of the control, cut the Blue wire 5-6 inches behind the control. Install the test light between a known good chassis ground and the Blue wire coming out of the control. Apply manual slide fully; using the volt meter like # PT89ZR, measure the voltage from the Blue wire to chassis ground. If the output voltage is within 1 volt of input, control is good; repair or replace Electric Brake wire on tow vehicle.

If it is not within 1 volt of input voltage, measure the input voltage again, from the Black wire to the White wire of the brake control, with the manual slide not applied. As you are measuring this, fully apply the manual slide and monitor the voltage. If the voltage drops, there is a voltage supply issue to the brake control. If the voltage spikes, there is a ground issue to the brake control.

If the impute voltage form Black wire to White wire with the manual override engaged is ok then the issue may be in the controller and it will need to be replaced. Also, double check all the wiring connections and wire that connect the controller. If there is a broken, frayed wire, or bad ground will cause issues with the brake circuit.

expert reply by:
Jared P

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