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Difference Between Roadmaster EZ4 and EZ5 Base Plates for 2014 Honda CR-V  


Whats the difference between the bracket #521567-4 and #521567-5? why do you recommend the #521567-4?


Expert Reply:

As you mentioned in your question, both the Roadmaster EZ4 # RM-521567-4 and EZ5 # RM-521567-5 Base Plate Kits are confirmed to fit your 2014 Honda CR-V. The primary difference between the two models is that the EZ5 does not use a quick-connect crossbar to attach to the tow bar. This will in turn provide a cleaner, less obtrusive look.

The drawback, however, and why I tend to recommend the EZ4 model, is that the design will not accommodate many accessories that mount to the crossbar like a Rock Guard # RM-4000. If you ever plan on or are interested in using a rock guard or protected screening, I recommend going with the EZ4.

I have attached an installation video on your 2014 Honda CR-V that you can use for reference.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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