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Why Does Blue Ox Patriot Braking System have Gain Knob On Remote  


I have twobut related questions: Having read your explanation about the braking system sensing the accelerometer in the RF controller in the motorcoach and applies the brake proportionately to the brakes in the dingy, what then is the function of the gain control? Secondly, why do I see the light indicating braking when there is no braking by the MHusually on rough roads. One more questionwhat would be your recommendation about using the Patriot brake while in the mountains?


Expert Reply:

The gain knob of the Blue Ox Patriot # BLU37TR allows you to basically dial in how aggressive/sensitive you want the accelerometer to be. If you dial it in with high gain the unit will apply the brakes harder when detecting braking, lower and it will be a softer application.

The bumps in the road are basically moving the Patriot quick enough that it basically is thinking that you are applying the brakes.

In the mountains the system should still work great. You would want to keep the remote nearby though in case you need to fine tune braking power for the different inclines.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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