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Does MagnaFlow Exhaust have Flapper Valve to Maintain Tone on a Motor with Active Fuel Management  


Does this exhaust system or any of the MagnaFlow systems have the flapper valve? For the drone sound when it switches for V8 TO V4 MODE.


Expert Reply:

MagnaFlow exhaust revolves around the idea of increased flow through the system so things like baffles, chambers, louvers, and flapper valves are eliminated. This allows the system to achieve its tone as well.

I know a lot of people like to disable the displacement on demand or active fuel management systems that cut the motor to 4 cylinders when it chooses it is appropriate. If this is something you are interested in then the way to achieve it is to use a programmer that will allow you to disable that feature on your 2015 Chevy Silverado.

The Superchips Flashpaq # SU2845 or # SU4845 for California approved can disable/enable the active fuel management system on the truck which is just one of many benefits of adding a programmer if you are interested.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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