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Yakima SpareRide vs Spare Time Spare Bike Rack Comparison for 2015 Jeep Wrangler  


Hi, I have a 2015 Jeep Wrangler with a 35 x 12.5 spare and was wondering what tire mounted rack would work for me. Ive heard that the SpareRide and SpareTime from Yakima will work on tires up to 12.5 . Is there an advantage to one over the other or is there any other rack you would recommend? Thanks very much!


Expert Reply:

The Yakima SpareRide part # Y02599 is basically the next generation of spare tire bike rack from Yakima. They discontinued the SpareTime and replaced it with this. The racks are still pretty similar but the SpareRide got upgraded bike frame cradles that can be adjusted and has zip straps for securing the bikes to the cradles instead of the rubber straps. Also there is an upgraded way fro lowering the arms of the rack that make it a bit easier.

I attached a review video for this rack for you to check out as well. This will fit your 12.5 inch wide tires as well.

If you plan on carrying any womens or alternative framed bikes without horizontal top tubes you may also be interested in purchasing a Kuat Bike Frame Adapter Bar # UB01 to provide a horizontal top tube on your bikes to provide an attachment point. I attached a review video for this product also. This will allow the bikes to be carried more level and will provide more ground clearance.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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