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Procedure for Getting a 2004 Honda CR-V Ready to be Flat Towed Behind a Motor Home  


I have misplaced /lost installation instructions for installing stop and tail light hook up for 2004 Honda CR-V Using a Roadmaster tow bar system, Purchased /Installed almost a year ago car and the system for air brakes on the car. But rain stopped tail light/ stop light installation as no garage or shelter in the RV campground. So put Honda in storage and towed our Jeep with setup all ready installed and working. Wife wants Honda this next Thanksgiving trip! I know Honda had some kind of quirky hookup process? Can you assist me?


Helpful Expert Reply:

I will be happy to help. I would need to know which lighting system you have on your 2004 Honda CR-V. I have included a link to the options we have for your 2004 Honda CR-V.

There are fuses that will need to be pulled to flat tow the CR-V. Consult the vehicle owner's manual to confirm. Instead of having to pull the hard-to-reach fuse every time you can install fuse bypass # RM76511 and it will make it as easy as flipping a switch. I have linked a video showing an example installation.

Regarding the procedure Honda has the following information in the owner's manual:

Perform the following procedure everyday immediately before you begin towing. Otherwise sever automatic transmission damage will occur.

Check the transmission fluid level. Do not overfill.
Start the engine.
Press on the brake pedal. Move the shift lever through all of its positions.
Shift to D, then to N. Let the engine run for 3 minutes, then turn it off.
Release the parking brake.
Leave the ignition switch in ACCESSORY (I) so the steering wheel does not lock. Make sure the radio and any items plugged into the accessory power sockets are turned off so you do not run down the battery.

This information and more can be found on pages 157 and 158 of the owner's manual.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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