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Air Suspension Kit Recommendation for a 2002 Ford F-250 with B and W Turnover Ball Gooseneck Hitch  


I have been looking at the Firestone 2550 and Air Lift 88390 air bag kits for my 2002 F 250 4x4. I have a BandW 1108 turnover ball hitch so I need the inboard mounted air bags. I like the Air Lift bags for their internal jounce bumper, but I am concerned about mounting them on the existing bump stop whereas the Firestone bags bolt to the axle itself. Is there a cause for concern that the bump stop could fatigue under use and crack, or bend? The Firestone product seems to mount more solid. Which would be the best recommendation?


Expert Reply:

Personally I like the Firestone kits like the part # F2550 that has been confirmed to fit your 2002 Ford F-250 with a fifth wheel hitch installed in it.

The bump stops of the Air Lift kits are redundant in that they don't really do anything beyond what a standard air bag already does.

For a compressor kit to make inflating and maintaining pressure in the bags easy I would recommend the part # F2158.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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