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Changing a Trailer Ramp Door To Barn Doors On A 6x14 V-Nose Enclosed Trailer  


I just ordered an enclosed trailer about a week ago from a local trailer dealer. When I ordered it, I requested a ramp door, now Im rethinking that decision and would prefer barn doors instead. The manufacturer says that they cant do that because the frame is already built. What are my options?


Helpful Expert Reply:

To create barn doors out of your ramp door, you will need hinges and a latch. I suggest a latch/lock system like the Universal Cam-Door Lock for Enclosed Trailers - 1" Keeper, # 383200. This will use a 3/4 inch diameter pipe that you'll have to get at a local hardware store, but the bridge-type keeper prevents accidental opening and ensures safe locking action. It will also allow you to use a separate lock like # ML1KA to secure your cargo.

We will also need hinges similar to Strap Hinge for Enclosed Cargo Trailer Doors - 8" Long, # 2008-8, for the pivoting of your door. We may also want to consider a Plunger and Rubber Socket Door Holder - 2-3/4" Long Plunger, # PLR64-66, to hold the door safely open when needed. We may also want a rubber bumper to prevent damage like Pre-Drilled Round Rubber Bumper - 2-1/16" x 96" # D2-96.

You probably want some metal trim and weather stripping, but unfortunately we don't have that for trailer doors at this time.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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