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Canoe Transport on the Dealer Roof Rack on a 2014 Hyundai Santa Fe Lux with Panoramic Sunroof  


Hi there, I am considering purchasing a demo model 2014 Santa Fe Lux with the panoramic sunroof and having the dealership put on Cross Rails. We have a canoe that is made of polyethylene similar to a kayak so its heavier than a traditional canoe. We would only be using the roof rack once or twice a year for this purpose, but my question to you is if this is safe? Considering the canoe is not on the roof itself, is it okay to have the cross rails installed and put either the canoe or if we should ever purchase a storage box on top? Thank you.


Expert Reply:

To determine if your 2014 Santa Fe Lux with the panoramic sunroof and dealer-installed roof crossbars has sufficient capacity to transport your canoe you'll need to check a couple of weights.
First you need to confirm how much your canoe actually weighs. You will also want to confirm either in your owner's manual or via the dealership what the roof weight-bearing capacity is for your version of the Santa Fe with the sunroof and dealer-installed rack crossbars. This will help ensure both safe canoe transport and tell you how much cargo you could load into a cargo box if you ever choose to install one.

If you find that your roof weight capacity is close to the canoe's actual weight it will be advisable to use a canoe carrier that itself does not weigh too much. This will leave more of the roof's capacity for the canoe's weight. We do offer a range of canoe carriers that will work with your dealer-installed crossbars. For example, Yakima offers their KeelOver Rooftop Canoe Carrier # Y04069 that weighs only a few pounds, fits a wide range of crossbar shapes (up to 3-1/2 x 3-1/2-inches) and includes tie downs and ropes to secure the canoe on your roof.

With a cargo box mounted on your roof rack you will need to account for the weight of the box itself and subtract this from the vehicle's roof rack capacity. Say for example that the vehicle has a 100-lb roof rack weight capacity and you decide on the SportRack Vista XL Cargo Box # SR7018. This box weighs about 38-lbs so you would then have a remaining loaded cargo weight capacity when using this box of about 62-lbs.

Often customers using rooftop cargo items also choose a tire step like # HE4040. This folding step comes fully-assembled and simply slips over a rear tire to give you a height advantage for loading and unloading cargo; it can be easily stored in the vehicle when not in use.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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