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Replacement for Shelby 5405  


I need a lifting winch to replace a rusted Shelby 5405 on a boat I am acquiring. This will mount on an arm that swings out and lifts/lowers 9.5 ft inflatable dinghy, hard floor, with outboard. No person in dinghy, nor above anyone. Must be able to control well on lowering. Desire capacity at least 1400lbs, more is good.


Expert Reply:

Hi Stephen; a fairly standard replacement for the Shelby 5405 is the # DL15303 you were looking at. This has a 1,400 lb capacity. If you want to go heavier then check out the # DL14627 with an 1,800 lb capacity or you could move up to the 2 speed # DL14825 with a 2,500 lb capacity.

expert reply by:
Robin H

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