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Troubleshooting A Trailer Wire Harness On A 2011 Ford Escape That Keeps Blowing Fuses  


I keep blowing the fuse on the wire going from my truck battery to my 4 prong trailer connector. As soon as I slide a new fuse in the slot, it blows. I traced the wiring from the battery to the rear of my truck looking for any breaks or pinches, found nothing. I’m using the Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness with 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector setup. Any suggestions?


Expert Reply:

Hey Johnathan,

The Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness with 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector # C56329 requires a 10 amp fuse so I'd first make sure you're not putting a lower rated fuse in place. The next step is checking the wiring for any cuts or kinks that could potentially cause a short, but you've already done that. Did you mount the ground wire coming from the converter box to the frame of the Escape? A bad ground could be the cause of the short. If everything checks out then I'd reach out to Curt to see if maybe you just have a bad wiring harness and need to swap it out.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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