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Is There a Replacement For Buyers Products PH45 Pintle Hook With a Better Mounting Pattern?  


I currently have a pintle hitch on my dump truck . It is a buyers ph45. I do not like how the safety pin operates, as if the pin falls out the hitch will come unhooked. Do you have any alternatives to this pintle that would have the same mounting holes? I saw one named a Holland ph210rn11, but not sure if you all carry this product. Let me know if you have an alternative to the one I have now. Bottum mounting bolts are 6.5” center to center, top mounting bolts 5 1/4” center to center, and 3” center to center between the upper and lower mounting bolts . Thanks


Expert Reply:

The Buyers Products 45 Ton Pintle Hook # 337PH45 has a unique bolt pattern unlike others. I do agree the Clip # 3370070055 does not seem sufficient, but the handle is spring loaded so the likely hood of it opening on its own would be next to impossible unless the internal spring was damaged.

The only other pintle with the same mounting pattern is the air compensated version # 337P45AC4. This doesn't even have a locking pin like yours but relies on the spring to hold the lever in place until you pull it out like on yours.

expert reply by:
Bud M

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