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Tow Bar Wiring Kit Needed For Flat Towing A 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit  


I spoke originally with Kevin C. I’m confused as I believe I need for my 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit the smart diode wiring kit #RM47ZR as I’m installing a Nighthawk tow bar that comes with the 6 pole connector for the front of my Jeep. I spoke with someone else at ETrailer before and it was suggested I purchase #HM59VR plug and play wiring system instead as you do not have to cut into wiring. However I believe if I purchased that instead, I would also have to purchase the RM88400 Brake light relay kit that has to be cut into the vehicle’s wiring anyway. The plug and play system has the flat plug 4 pole wiring that seems to be not as beefy as the 6 pole plug that the RM47ZR would need. So my question is being that I have to cut into wires no matter which wiring I choose, Can I use the 6 Pole RM47ZR without needing the RM88400 relay kit? Thanks.


Helpful Expert Reply:

The brake light switch wire for your 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit isn't useable so you wouldn't be able to install a brake light relay kit any way. In cases like this the turn signal will override the brake signal until the computer inside the Jeep "goes to sleep" after about 20 minutes. The general guideline is to just get all hooked up and running and let it idle for 20 minutes but gas isn't cheap so most people just take off and let it go to sleep while already towing.

Since you have a Nighthawk Tow Bar # RM-676 you'll already have the cable and 6-pole port so really only need the diodes and some 4-pole wire to make your connections. If you went with the Hopkins # HM59VR plug-in wire harness you'd still need to cut the 4-pole connector off and wire it into the 6-pole port from your tow bar. I personally don't like plug-in harnesses because if one portion of the harness goes bad you have to completely pull the wire harness out and replace it, whereas with splice-in harnesses you can replace every single part easily to minimize the work and cost if there's ever a repair needed.

If you want to go with a splice-in kit you would need part # RM47ZR if you have ParkSense Proximity Sensors or part # RM-152 for models without these sensors.

If your braking system requires that you tap into the brake light switch wire then you'll need to install the RoadMaster Stop Light Switch Kit # RM77RR in order to get the braking signal. If you have any more questions please send in more questions via our ask the expert link and I'd be happy to help.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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