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Whats the Difference Between Manual and Assisted Snow Chains  


I have noticed that some of the snow chains are listed as manual and others list as assisted, but the descriptions do not account for what makes them that way.


Helpful Expert Reply:

The difference between manual and assisted chains is in how they are tensioned.

The method of assisted adjustment may vary from snow chain to snow chain, but the reason for these types of chains is the same. Built-in devices - whether cams or integrated pulls - make fitting and securing your tire chains quick and simple. They will not automatically tighten and align like self-tensioning chains, but they are much faster and easier to install than manually adjusted models.

Manually adjusted tire chains typically require a few steps to install. First, you can either lay the chains out and drive onto them or you can drape them over your tires and drive forward. Both methods should get the chains into position. Then you need to hook them into place and drive forward again to line them up and tighten them into place. These chains are generally more affordable because they don't have all the bells and whistles, so they are perfect if you only occasionally hit the mountains and simply want a set of chains just in case.

I attached an FAQ article on snow chains for you to check out also.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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