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How Do the SeeLeveL RV Holding Tank Monitoring Sensors Work for Propane Tanks  


RE: SeaLevel Systems The various units describe the monitor strip for holding tanks, but dont say how the Propane tanks are monitored. Where does the monitor panel get propane level info? My trailer does not currently measure propane levels. I could not find a propane level sensor on your web site. No propane sensor seems to be included with kits that have a panel and 3 tank level sensors. I also need the pump switch So, do I order: SE39VR and give up on measuring propane levels SE59VR plus some propane level sensor? Thanks


Expert Reply:

With your trailer not currently measuring propane levels, I would recommend going with the SeeLeveL RV Holding Tank Monitoring System # SE39VR which comes with the water pump switch. The reason for that is because the SeeLeveL RV Holding Tank Monitoring System # SE59VR which can monitor propane is only going to work if your propane tank already has a gauge with wired sensor. This is because the sensors in these kits will not work with metal tanks, including propane tanks. These prewired set-ups are typically found on motorhomes with permanent propane tanks.

Most trailers do not come with permanent propane tanks, if you have a portable propane tank then the Camco Propane Cylinder Gas Gauge and Leak Detector # CAM59023 would be one way to keep an eye on your propane levels even though it would be as convenient as the SeeLevel monitors.

expert reply by:
Scott S

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