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Tips On Repairing A Trailer That Has Loose/Stripped Screws  


What screws should I use to replace loose / stripped ones for below 1 securing internal plywood walls 2 securing 3/4inch Floor 3 securing fenders to outside Also - will I need to purchase an impact driver? will I need to have pilot hole? will I need to CSK the hole before adding screw to ensure it is flush? Thanks


Expert Reply:

I recommend replacing the old/loose screws with the same style of screw it has currently. If you're going to be adding more screws, I would still stick to what you currently have.

I'm not sure what hardware you have currently so I won't be able to provide a recommendation, however I do recommend using some type of adhesive sealant. I recommend using some fast cure 3M 5200 Adhesive Sealant. This will cure rock solid in about 48 hours, so you won't have to worry about the screw backing itself out or becoming loose.

This sealant is also marine grade rated so it will retain its strength above and below water.

If you don't have an impact, I recommend buying one from your local hardware store. This will make your life easier, but if you don't want to use an impact, you're just going to need to pilot your holes before securing your screws. Depending on the size screw and the material it's going in will dictate how big of a pilot hole you need.

For a simple drill bit set, the Titanium Drill Bit Set # PT86VR will work fine, and has drill bits spanning from 1/16" to 3/8".

Finally, if you want to countersink the hole to ensure the screw will be flush, it's entirely up to you.

expert reply by:
Bryce D

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