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Go Power Portable And DuraLite Solar Panel Comparison  


I love how light they are. My wife and I would struggle with Go Powers 200 watt rigid portables which is 51 lbs. However the Duralite only has a 2 year warranty compared to the rigid 200 watt Go Power portable which has a 25 year warranty. Why is this. Is it poor quality?


Helpful Expert Reply:

The reason the Go Power Portable Solar Panel with Digital Solar Controller - 200 Watt Solar Panel # 34282610 has a 25 year limited warranty through the manufacturer because the tempered glass and aluminum construction is heavier duty and meant to last for a long time. That is also why it weighs so much.

The Go Power DuraLite Portable Solar Panel with Digital Solar Controller - 100 Watt Item # GP66FR is the made with less heavy duty materials to make it more portable and therefore isn't as strong. That being said as long as you properly use and maintain the # GP66FR it will will last well past its warranty.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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