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What Does the Depth of A Roof Vent Mean  


1985 Toyota dolphin replacement vent for bathroom is 14x14 but I dont understand the depth?


Expert Reply:

When you're looking to replace a 14 x 14 roof vent, the depth you'll need will depend on the distance from the ceiling to the top of the roof, or the roof thickness.

For instance, the # V3092-603-00 Ventline roof vent wouldn't include the interior trim (also known as the garnish) or the install kit such as # 344270KITW. You'll want to chose a garnish that has a 'Leg' length that's equal to or greater than the thickness of your roof. If the garnish is a little too deep, you can always trim a bit off to make everything fit flush.

Also, to ensure that everything fits together as it should, choose a garnish from the same manufacturer as your vent. If you go with a Ventline vent, use a Ventline garnish. I'll link to the garnishes we offer.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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