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Could Bad Brake Magnets Be Causing Heat Buildup In My Trailer Hubs  


I believe my mechanic who is telling my my magnets are worn down a probably need replaced. I dont think this could be causing different heat build up on the hubs and drums. I have four wheels and breaks and two are warmer or hotter than they should be with no obvious reason. They were all inspected by myself and adjusted, cleaned and greased. Adjusted axial nuts. Turned controler down all the way or off but still found heat on several of the drums and one of the hubs. Could turning the drums help. I can see changing the magnets since they could be worn but they did actually work still.


Expert Reply:

It's possible that the heat buildup is being created by a worn out magnet on your brakes dragging on the drum surface; if you've inspected and greased the bearings and it's still happening this seems to be the most likely culprit. Turning the drums could be one way to solve this, but you could also change the brake magnets. You may want to test them out and inspect them; I've linked a helpful video and article we did on testing brake magnets if you're not familiar with the process.

If you've got 3500-lbs axles you've likely got 10" brakes so you can use the # AKBRKR-M10 to replace your magnets. If you've got different sized brakes on your trailer, just let me know and I can help you locate the replacement parts you'll need.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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