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B&W Tow & Stow Adjustable Ball Mount Adapter for 2 Inch Receiver  


I have the BandW BWTS20049B. Just bought a F-150 with a 2 receiver. Is there an adapter that will let me use my hitch or should I just try to sell it and get a 2?


Helpful Expert Reply:

There isn't an adapter available, because using one would reduce the hitch capacity to the point where it wouldn't be safe. I checked to see if B&W perhaps offered a 2 inch shank, but unfortunately they do not.

You'd be best off selling your # BWTS20049B Tow & Stow and using the proceeds toward one for a 2 inch hitch. If you would be interested in a replacement that offers the same 7 inch drop/7-1/2 inch rise as the one you currently have, you could use part # BWTS10049B. However, you'll likely find that the F-150 sits a little lower than your previous truck, so perhaps something with a smaller rise/drop like the # BWTS10048BB would work better for you.

You might also be interested in a set of keyed alike stainless steel locking pins for the Tow & Stow, I'd recommend part # 34061775-D.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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