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How to Free Stuck Trailer Ball from OEM Gooseneck Hitch  


I have a stuck goose neck ball when I bought my new truck I put the ball in and hooked my horse trailer on . The next morning I unhooked the trailer and tried to remove the ball and couldnt get out havent been able To get it out is the ball with the lever on top. How can I get it out Ive oiled the hell out of it. Your suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you


Expert Reply:

It sounds like you might have a gooseneck ball like the Curt # C60601. The ball uses 2 large ball bearings to lock it into the collar of the hitch. The best way to proceed is to continue to spray large amounts of lubricant like WD-40 or PB Blaster between the ball and the collar of the hitch. Concentrate on the areas 90º to the right and left of the latch, and also into the latch mechanism. You might need to do this several times over a day or two, as you want the lubricant to penetrate into the ball bearing retention mechanism. Then, take a mallet or dead blow hammer and rap the sides of the ball as you're lifting the latch. Don't use a metal hammer. The combination of the lubricant and the shock from the mallet or dead blow hammer should free the mechanism.

Once the ball is freed, you'll want to lubricate those ball bearings using a thin coating of all-purpose grease or trailer ball grease like part # 58117. You'll also want to be sure to remove the ball when it's not being used.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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