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Gooseneck Trailer Hitch for a 1996 Ford F-450  


I have a 96 F450 FSeries that I need a gooseneck hitch to bolt to the frame. I was unable to find one on your site. Do you have one available, or do you have a universal gooseneck hitch that requires fabrication by a welding shop? Im interested in one that would mount to the frame of the truck and not a flat plate that bolts to the bed.


Expert Reply:

If your Ford F-450 has an actual bed and is not a cab and chassis model (with a service bed or flatbed) then you can use the Curt universal folding gooseneck ball rail kit # C61502. You could then use Curt hitch # C-52 or # C65500. A custom hitch for a 1996 Ford F-450 is not available.

If you do have a cab and chassis model then you can still use # C65500 but it will require some custom fabrication by having a qualified professional first weld a 1/2 inch steel plate to the frame.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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