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Solution for Truck with 12 Volt Accessory Circuit Not Active  


Ive tracked down all leads on my 7 way plug on a 2008 F350 diesel. The tail lights brown, left turn /brake yellow, ground white, E brake blue, rt turn /brake green and reverse brown /black all work as expected on my tester and the trailer. The 1 oclock position heavier dark orange should be 12v Aux that matches my heavier black wire on my puma unleashed trailer. But no power on the tester and trailer batteries do not seem to be charging. Seems straight forward but Ive looked at the fuse in the passenger compartment labeled for trailer tow battery charge relay coil and thats ok besides that also manages the brake controller which does work. I also looked at relay #56 in the power distribution box labeled for trailer tow and it is seated. Is there a way to test the relay? Is it common for this to fail? I dont see any wires loose under the truck leading to the plug. Any ideas for how to track this down would be helpful. Thanks.


Expert Reply:

The easy solution in situations like yours is to run a new wire for the 12 volt accessory circuit from the battery's positive post to the 1:00 pin of the 7-way with 10 gauge wire like part # 10-1-1 (sold by foot) through a breaker like # 9510 as trying to track down your wiring issue beyond what you've already tried will be pretty difficult.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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