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Correct Replacement E-Z Flex Suspension System for a 1996 Holiday Rambler  


I have a 1996 Holiday Rambler w/ a axle 3500# tandem axles. Which kit should I use..K71-652-00 or K71-654-00. My axle spacing is 32. My current equalizer has a from the center pivot to shackle holes of 3-1/2 - 4. Thanks for the help.


Expert Reply:

The equalizers in the kits # K71-652-00 and # K71-654-00 that you referenced are actually the exact same. The only difference between these kits is that the 652 comes with replacement shackle straps while the 654 only comes with the equalizers and no shackle straps. So to choose between the 2 is just a matter of your shackles being in good shape or not.

Even though your axle spacing is 32" as opposed to 33" I think you'll still be okay with this kit. Basically you just want to make sure that this equalizer has similar dimensions to what you currently have. You cant to make sure that your left-to-right bolt holes for the shackles measures 5-5/8" (between the 5-1/4" to 6-1/4) range of the spring, and then from the center of the top hole down 2" to the center-line of the lower holes. I have attached a photo to demonstrate this.

expert reply by:
Jon G
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