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Bolt Hole Dimensions for Buyers Products 15 Ton and 25 Ton Swivel Type Pintle Hooks  


I have a bucket truck with an existing broken pintle hitch on it. It has a bolt pattern on it that resembles this hitch. Can you provide me a drawing / sketch of the bolt diameters and bolt pattern dimensions so I can ensure this hitch will bolt up. I see there is also a 25 ton version of this. Are the mounting dimensions the same for this hitch? If not please provide those mounting dimensions as well. Im very interested in replacing this hitch if I know it is a direct fit. Thanks,


Expert Reply:

Attached is a dimensional diagram of both the 15 Ton # 337BP125A and 25 Ton # 337BP225 Buyers Products Swivel Type Pintle Hooks. The diameter of the bolts holes are 0.53".

expert reply by:
Jon G
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