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Bike Rack Recommendation for Rear Door Clearance on 2002 Honda CR-V  


Hey there! I have a 2002 Honda CRV. Do you have any 2 inch hitch hanging bike racks that fold all the way down so that I could open up the trunk door all the way? I was interested in the TH934XTR though it looks like I could only open up the trunk partly once I folded it down. Id prefer if it were light weight, though if not that is OK. I would also like the part that the bikes hang on to be able to fold down so that I could park in my garage. Id prefer to spend between 100 and 250$, but can go up if needed. Thanks a lot for the help with this!


Expert Reply:

I do have some options for you, but the only way you'll be able to completely swing open the back door on your 2002 Honda CR-V without first removing the bike rack is if you either use a bike rack with a swinging arm, or you use a swinging arm adapter and install a bike rack to it. Unfortunately there are no bike racks that will tilt out of the way on their own. These style racks also tend to fall outside of your ideal price range.

If you're looking for cost-effective then the SportRack Ridge Swing # SR2415 is going to be your best option. This is more of an entry-level swinging bike rack but it will get the job done and you don't have to purchase the swinging arm separately.

My recommendation, however, is the Thule Apex Swing XT # TH9027XT simply because it looks better and is easier to use. The improvements include bike and rack locks, an integrated anti-rattle system and snap-pin to make the install easier, lower profile cradles spaced 7" apart on center which makes loading/unloading bikes easier, and a handle that lowers the arms instead of a pin.

Attached are review videos of both options so you can compare them side-by-side if you want to see the features in action for yourself.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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