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Difference Between Two Kuat Pivoting Hitch Adapters for Bike Racks  


What is the difference, other than price, between the first version of the Kuat Pivot still available for and this newer version


Expert Reply:

At this time Kuat offers two pivoting hitch extenders for their racks. They have the part # PVP20B that you referenced which pivots out to the passenger side and the part # PVD20B which pivots out to the driver's side.

The reason I recommend the pivot that goes to the passenger side is that if you ever had to pull over on the shoulder of the highway you'd most likely pull over onto the right side of the road and if you then had to get into the rear cargo area and therefore needed to swing the hitch out the better direction for it to pivot out would be towards the shoulder and not into traffic.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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