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Convert-A-Ball 5th-Wheel-to-Gooseneck Adapter for 2012 Ram Pickup with Mega Cab  


I have a 2012 dodge mega cab I was wondering if this adapter will work on my to or is the other product best suited for my truck


Expert Reply:

Technically the Convert-A-Ball Cushioned 5th-Wheel-to-Gooseneck Adapter # CAB-C5G will work with your 2012 Ram with the Mega Cab but the issue you are going to run into is clearance between your cab and the trailer when you need to make tight turns. Since this adapter doesn't have any offset to help with that you'd be better off going with the adapter # CAB-C5GX1216 instead which at least offers 7-1/2" of offset.

You may need to go with a sliding 5th wheel hitch to make sure you have proper clearance but you can use the following formula to see if that 7-1/2" of offset is enough for you to have proper clearance:

(A + B) - C = Clearance

A = Distance from center of fifth wheel hitch jaw to truck cab
B = Length of offset (7-1/2)
C = Width of trailer divided by 2 (to get half)

You need at least 4" of clearance to be able to make a 90 degree turn. If you don't have this just let me know and I can help you find a better solution.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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