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No Trailer Turn Signals After Installing New Tail Lights  


Lights wired up per instructions. Lights turn on with ignition. Brake lights work. Blinkers and emergency flashers do not work. Suggestions?


Expert Reply:

The first step for troubleshooting the trailer turn signal lights is to test the vehicle side connector. If you are not getting any power on this circuit then you will need to check the fuse box for any blown fuses. If you have an aftermarket trailer wiring harness then test the turn signal wires before and after the converter box to ensure the signal is both entering and leaving. Finally, check the ground for the vehicle side trailer connector.

If you do get power to the vehicle side connector then reground the lights on the trailer to a new bare metal surface. That said, the issue is most likely on the vehicle if only the turn signals are not working as they would be tied together with the brakes lights after the vehicle side connector.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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