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Weak Power Signal on Brake Controller To Brakes on Stock Trailer w/ 2006 Chevrolet Truck  


Your diagrams were very helpful. I have three trailers., stock. They are all wired the same for my 06 chev pickup. Problem is when I move the manual control brakes on all trailers engage and the light goes red. But when I use the foot brake the light goes red on the r.v. and horse trailer as it shoud as pressure is applied. Problem is the stock trailer does not go red as pressure is applied. Any suggestions or ideas to try? Thanks


Expert Reply:

Start by inspecting the wiring on the trailer. Begin with the trailer connector, make sure there is not any corrosion in the connector. If corrosion is present, it is best to replace the connector. Then, follow the wires and make sure there are no pinched or frayed wires.

You will want to make sure each brake assembly has a good ground connection. Make sure the ground is to a clean metal surface that is free of corrosion on the trailer frame.

I would also check the adjustment of the trailer brakes to make sure they are adjusted properly. With the trailer wheel off the ground, you should be able to spin the wheel and hear a light brushing or dragging of the trailer brakes. I have linked a video that shows how to properly adjust the trailer brakes, beginning at the 4 minute and 30 second mark.

After adjusting the brakes, you will need to readjust the brake controller. You will want to unplug the brake controller for a few minutes and then proceed as if setting up the brake controller for the first time.

If after adjusting the brakes, you are getting the same problem, I would recommend checking the trailer magnets inside the brake assembly. You will want to inspect the magnets for windings. If you see windings in the magnets, they are bad and will need to be replaced.

I have linked a video that shows how to adjust trailer brakes.

expert reply by:
Reno H

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