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Adjustable Ball Mount Recommendation that Can be Used with Cruisemaster DO35 Coupler  


I have 2017 F150 w/ 6inch lift and picking up a Patriot Camper X1 that comes installed with the Cruisemaster DO35 on coupling and it uses a tow pin vs the standard ball with it being an offload trailer. The tow pin for the US, has a standard 1inch threaded shank and nut. Is there any brands of adjustable ball mount out there that accept the tow pin. I was wanting to go with the Weigh Safe but they use the specific ball with the pin hole vs a standard shank. Id rather not use a fixed ball mount.


Expert Reply:

Since the Cruisemaster DO35 requires a ball mount platform with a 1 inch diameter ball hole you'd need an adjustable ball mount that uses a traditional style of ball mount platform like the Convert-a-Ball Adjustable-Height Ball Mount # TK5007 which would work well. This can do up to 10 inches of drop or 9 inches of rise.

I attached a review video for this ball mount for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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