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Can the Air Lift WirelessONE Compressor System be Used with an Air Tank  


Can you confirm that the airlift wireless manifold can be fed from a tank? I’m concerned that the constant feed of 120psi air from the tank will cause the manifold to not operate correctly when inflating. Would a flow restrictor between the manifold and tank aid in this setup?


Expert Reply:

I do have a system for you that is compatible with an air tank but the Air Lift WirelessONE Compressor System part # AL25980 is not. I spoke to my contact at Air Lift and they informed me that the pressure at the manfolid, how the system is calibrated, and the capacity of the air compressor would all cause an issue if used with an air tank. Instead, you will want to look into the Air Command II Compressor System part # F2592 which is currently the only wireless system we offer that comes with an air tank. It will work with practically any airbag system (Firestone/Air Lift). If you are looking for something that is more cost effective then I recommend the Firestone Air Command I part # F2266 but please keep in mind that this system is wired, not wireless.

I have attached review videos for you as well.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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