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7-Way and Brake Controller Wiring Recommendation for 1999 Ford E-450 Motorhome  


i have no power to this plug on my 1999 ford e450 motorhome it a fuse problem ?? i tried to find info on where all the fuses for this harness are located but to no avail i need to eliminate the fuses before i completely rewire the entire thing is puzzling me is the quick connect for my brake controller under the dash is live ? please help


Expert Reply:

If you have a totally dead 7-way on your vehicle I'd first check all of the fuse boxes of the vehicle for trailer wiring fuses/relays and fix as needed. You can bypass the factory wiring and install a new 7-way but it will require some splicing and wiring. You'd want to first start with a 4-way so that you can get all of the lighting functions. For that you'd want the part # C59496. Then to convert it to a 7-way and wire in a brake controller you'd want the part # ETBC7 as this comes with everything needed for both. If you still have active circuits on the brake controller wiring you can use them too for power, ground, and stoplight circuit. You'd need to run the blue wire back to the blue wire of the 7-way using the included wiring.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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