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Troubleshooting MaxxAir Maxxfan 7000K Making Noises When Closing  


I have had my fan for a year and a half. Works great. Just recently when the lid closes it started making a banging noise as the lid reaches shut. It makes this noise 5 times then quits. My husband has watched to try and see why but cant figure it out except to feel it is in the hinges maybe trying to over shut. He unscrewed the lid from the vent so now the lid will go up higher and makes the same banging noise when it reaches the highest open point. It ONLY makes the noise when using the remote. He did scew the lip back to the vent which solves the noise on opening, but NOT the final shut on closing.


Expert Reply:

I reached out to the manufacturer and their tech said he is confident the operator mechanism is what is causing your issue. You will want part # MA10-20281K-1AF to replace this and fix the issue.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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