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Differences Between Triple Axle Hanger Kits APTT1, APTT3, and APTT5  


What is the difference in the aptt1 kit and the aptt 3 and the aptt 5 for a 7000 lb triple axles we are building a 21000 lb trailer and I would like to know the difference in these kits I ask this question before but I got know response thanks


Helpful Expert Reply:

The differences are the dimensions of the hangers and equalizers of the three kits.

The # APTT1 uses totally straight equalizers and taller center hangers.

The # APTT3 uses more traditional sized equalizers and center and outside hangers that differ in size slightly.

The part # APTT5 uses a standard sized equalizer and hangers that are all the same height.

The part # APTT3 is the one that is the most commonly used. It would be my recommendation for your trailer.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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