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What are the Differences between Reese Fifth Wheel Rail Kits that Fit 2016 Ford F-250 Short Bed  


Can you please tell me what the difference is between RP-56016-53 and RP-50026-58. My truck is a 2016 f250 6ft 10in bed and I have a 20k square tube Reese slider


Expert Reply:

Reese offers two fifth wheel rail kits for your 2016 Ford F-250 short bed. They are different styles that have trade offs, but both of them are going to be much easier to install than a universal install kit.

The part # RP56016-53 is an outboard rail kit. This means that the brackets for the rails mount on the outside of the truck frame. The benefit to this is that they are much easier to install. The drawbacks are that they cost more and the rails are dimensionally larger all around.

The part # RP50026-58 is an inboard rail kit. That means that the brackets are to the inside of the truck frame. Benefits are a lower price and smaller rail dimension. Drawback is the install is not as easy.

I attached install videos for both rail kits for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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