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Should a Bent Trailer Spindle be Replaced or is it Safe to Reshape it  


I have an older snowmachine trailer with what I think is a 2000lb axle. I recently lost the bearing, hub assembly and wheel at about 70mph. The spindle was bent in the process of coming apart. I was wondering if I could get away with heating and straightening the spindle and replacing the hub and bearings. Maybe I should go straight for the replacement and not even try to save the bent spindle?


Expert Reply:

Replacing the spindle is going to be the best bet. Since the old spindle was bent, there could be more damage to it than meets the eye. This damage could come to light or be made worse by heating and trying to reshape the spindle into working order. You run a higher risk of the same thing happening all over again. A new spindle will take care of that part of the problem. I have included a link to our spindle main page. There are some important measurements that need to be taken to find the correct replacement. You will probably want to measure the one that is not damaged for greater accuracy.

You will also need to consider what made the system fail. It could have been anything from not enough lubrication, corroded parts, the wrong sized bearings, or numerous other culprits. You will just need to make sure you get all the correct compatible parts, starting with the spindle, and make sure they are lubricated properly. You can check for a plate or sticker on the trailer tongue for the axle capacity, speed ratings, and other information. I can tell you that trailer tires are rated for a max of 65 miles per hour. I have included a link to a video showing the technique our installers use when packing bearings.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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