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Timbren Axle-Less Suspension System with Electric Brakes for a 3,200 Pound Trailer  


Thank you Michael for your answer. Now i really need an advise from you ! The bolt patern of my wheels are 5 on 6.5. My initial idea is to match wheels from the trailer and from the car in the case that i need to change three time a tyre for exemple. Another idea is to set up an electric brake system on the suspension like your reference #A35RD545E. What would you suggest to overcome these difficulties ?


Expert Reply:

In the trailer world there is no 5 on 6-1/2 bolt pattern. And besides that trailer tires and wheels are not rated for use on a vehicle just as vehicle tires and wheels are not rated for use on trailers. The issue is that trailer tires are built with a thicker sidewall than passenger vehicle tires. The thicker sidewall can handle more vertical load but do not work well when lateral forces are applied to them such as when on the turning axle of a vehicle.

So you can use an Axle-less suspension system but the tires and wheels will not be interchangeable with the vehicle wheels. Electric brakes can be added to the axle-less systems. Since the trailer will weigh 3,200 pounds based on your previous question you can use one 3,500 pound system that comes with electric brakes and hubs and drums, # A35RS545E.

The tow vehicle will also need to have a brake controller installed if it doesn't have one already. I recommend the P2 # 90885 because it is easy to set up and use and it is reliable.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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