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Does the Thule Round Trip Sport Bike Travel Case Include Straps to Secure to a Roof Rack  


Hi there, Does this comes with roof mount straps for tie down onto roof racks? Im using the whispbar racks on my VW Jetta which are wing shaped. I plan to strap the box to the racks on my car and move it in a ferry where it will be parked in a multi-level cargo hold, where there are restrictions on height which fortunately the box on the roof will be compliant Please let me know.


Expert Reply:

The straps that are included with the Thule Round Trip Sport Bike Travel Case # TH100500 are used to secure the box itself closed. You could use some ratchet straps such as # EM31353 to secure the box to the Whispbar roof rack crossbars.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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