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Should Weight of Weight Distribution System Be Included as Tongue Weight When Choosing a System  


When calculating the tongue weight, I am assuming the weight of the WDH which is over 60 pounds should be figured in to make sure I dont go over the maximum tongue weight for my hitch and rig? Thanks


Expert Reply:

I don't typically figure in the weight of the weight distribution kit itself when determining which system is needed, but it certainly can't hurt. I'll usually recommend a system that leaves plenty of capacity, even if the weight of the system is considered.

Many weight distribution systems have functional range of trailer tongue weights where they operate the best. When choosing a system, I always recommend folks choose a system that puts their fully loaded and ready to tow tongue weight plus the weight of anything carried in the tow vehicle behind the rear axle as close as possible to the middle of the system's effective range.

For instance, say you clicked on the provided link that shows how to determine your trailer's tongue weight, and find it to be right at 300 lbs. Since the # 66557 Reese Light Duty Weight Distribution Kit you mentioned has an effective range of 250-400 lbs, you'll have plenty of wiggle room.

Even if you added the 50 lb weight of the system (minus the packaging), you'll still have some excess capacity or room to come in under the maximum capacity. Long story short, as long as you leave yourself some wiggle room, the weight of the system itself doesn't matter.

If adding the weight of the system itself would place you at or above the capacity of the system, I'd recommend going with a similarly priced system, the Reese , part # RP66558. This system is effective on trailers with tongue weights ranging from 400-600 lbs, which would leave plenty of wiggle room.

Both systems include a weight distributing shank, but the hitch ball is sold separately. Both systems use a ball with a 1 inch diameter shank like part # 63845 for a 2 inch ball.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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