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Suspension Enhancement Recommendation For 2005 Toyota Tundra 2WD  


I have 2005 tundra access cap 2 wheel drive and am planning to load a truck camper weighing about 800 lbs including me and my wife. please provide me the type of product that I can install by myself. Thank you,


Expert Reply:

For your 2005 Toyota Tundra I recommend The SuperSprings Vehicle Suspension, part # SSR-610-40.

This system is designed to work with a suspension system that is in good working order and will not increase the weight carrying capacity of your Tundra. It helps prevent sagging and bottoming out when carrying heavy loads.

This system is easy to install by replacing the bump stops on your vehicle. There is no drilling required for installation. They will not affect the ride of your Tundra when you are not carrying a load.

Another great system you may want to check out is the Timbren Vehicle Suspension, part # TTORTUN4. This system also replaces the bump stops on the truck. This system has a weight capacity of 6,000 lbs. I have attached a product review video for this system you can take a look at.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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