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How Are Shackle Straps Supposed to Be Positioned When The Trailer Is Loaded?  


I am replacing my leaf springs on my toyhauler. The new springs are longer for more clearance between the tires and have more arc and leaves. The non equalizer sides will need a hole spaced further out. How do I figure how much further to put the hole? How are the equalizer straps supposed to be positioned when unloaded or loaded?


Expert Reply:

As far as repositioning the hole in your hanger, that will depend on how much longer the new leaf springs are versus the stock spring. Say for example the new springs are 1" longer than stock when measured center eye to center eye across. I would say split that distance in half. So moving the hole out 1/2" will get you to where the shackles should be at an appropriate angle. Adding a bit more arc and leaves will add to your ride height.

As far as the shackle strap position, there is not really a "set in stone" angle for a shackle strap. They should be around 45 degrees or so when the trailer is loaded. I have attached a picture below that will show an example of the proper angle when loaded. You basically just want the shackle strap to be angled towards the axle, so that as the leaf spring flexes, it will have somewhere to go. So if you are not at exactly 45 degrees, the suspension will still articulate correctly, as long as the shackle stays angled towards the axle.

expert reply by:
Jesse M
Shackle Strap Angle Example
Shackle Strap Angle Example
(click to enlarge)

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