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Recommended Crossbars for a Lance Truck Camper w/ Rails  


Hello there. I have a 2004 Lance Truck Camper 815 with the factory roof tracks I believe they are Yakima tracks. Can you help with what roof rack system would be best to fit into the tracks on the roof?


Expert Reply:

I would be happy to help you. For the Yakima tracks on your Lance 815 Camper, I recommend the Rhino-Rack Quick Mount Legs for Vortex Aero Crossbars item # RRRLT600. Which crossbars you need will depend on how far apart your tracks are mounted and how long of crossbars you are looking for. I don't have anyway of knowing this so I have listed all compatible options below:

54" long bars item # RRVA137B-2

59" long bars item # RRVA150B-2

65" long bars item # RRVA165B-2

71" long bars item # RRVA180S-2

79" Long bars item # RRVA200B-2

Additionally, the Rhino-Rack Roof Rack for Factory Tracks item # Y02-490B-NT you were looking at will work but they are only 59" long.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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