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Troubleshooting 7-Year Old RV Backup Camera Suddenly Not Working  


After seven years of flawless camera working we all of a sudden have no signal. We know the power source to the device is good. The camera is mounted on the upper back of a 21’ travel trailer. How do we troubleshoot this? When we first turned it on today it came on, then it pixilated and now just says No Signal. We tried to pair again and it failed.


Expert Reply:

I'm sorry to hear about your camera issue!

You didn't mention which brand/model camera system you have, but the first thing I'd do is disconnect the camera from power for 30+ seconds to hard reset it.

Once that's over just rehook power and try to pair again. If that doesn't work then you'll be needing a new camera.

If you can send me the brand and model number of your system I'd be happy to see if there's a replacement camera available, but with the age of the system there's a good chance it's not made any more and you'll likely be looking at a complete replacement system such as the Furrion # FOS05TASF.

expert reply by:
Samuel C

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