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Need for Stabilization Strap for Class III Hitches  


It looks to me as if the eTrailer e98839 and the Curt 13144 are the same exact hitch. I noticed both are manufactured by Curt. Why does one require support straps and not the other one?


Expert Reply:

For the Class I and Class II hitches there is greater need for stabilizing strap than for higher class rated hitches, and may sometimes be required. For this product Curt has chosen to carry over that "recommended" statement but it is not required, etrailer has chosen to not attach that label. The recommendation of using a stabilizing strap such as # 18050, is to avoid putting too much strain on your trailer hitch, minimizing excessive torque experienced caused by side to side movement. While this is less of an issue for most Class III hitches such as # e98839 and # C13144, use of a stabilizing strap, even when not needed, is not a bad call. For this hitch they have chosen to make a recommendation, although it is not required.

expert reply by:
Michael R

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