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Does Trailer Wiring that Connects to Vehicle Battery Drain the Vehicle Battery When not Towing  


Your info video for installing this kit recommends connection to an always on power source, in the video, direct to the 12v battery with a fuse. However, that will result in a constant battery drain. Given that my trailer hitch will be used for maybe 100 miles per year out of 10,000 driving miles or about 4 hours out of an 8760 hour year, seems like a lot of unnecessary battery drain. At least with a switched source the 12V battery is getting recharged from the main batteries and the switched position would be live for only 250 hours/year. So I am looking for info on an alternate connection to a switched source, preferably under the dash on the drivers side, so it will at least not drain the 12v battery when the car is not on. Can you provide an alternate connection point for the power to this module?


Expert Reply:

While the # 119250KIT does need to attach directly to the positive post of a vehicle battery it does not draw any amperage unless there's a trailer connected to it so you do not need to worry about this draining the vehicle batteries when not towing. With a circuit connected to the harness amperage can be drawn but if there's no where for the amperage to go the pins of the connector (while active) would not drain the battery.

The reason the harness connects directly to the vehicle battery is to protect the vehicle as much as possible. In the event of a trailer wiring short the short would not get transferred to the vehicle wiring (which would damage it) this way which allows you a safer trailer wiring setup.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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