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Can Long Bed Yakima SideBars be Used on 2018 Ford F-150 Raptor with 5-1/2 Foot Bed  


Hi, I want to get a sidebar for yakima overhaul rack on my 2018 ford raptor with 5.5’ bed. I dont like the look of pulling out too much from the short sidebar. Do you think the long one will fit ? Thanks


Expert Reply:

It might be possible to use the Long Bed Yakima SideBar Side Rails # Y01154 for the OverHaul Rack # Y01151-57 on your Ford F-150 Raptor with the short bed but it's going to depend on how much space you have between the uprights when they're slid all the way towards the cab and tailgate. With a 5-1/2 (66 inch) bed it might be cutting it pretty close.

The Long Bed Side Rails measure 60 inches when fully retracted and 84 inches when fully extended. This means you need at least 60 inches between the uprights on the rack for these to fit. Also keep in mind that even if they do fit you are going to lose any adjustability on the uprights when they're attached since they will pretty much require that they are each at their furthest possible position on the bed.

Because of this the Short Bed Side Rails # Y01153 are likely still your best option. When fully retracted they measure 36 inches long and at their full extension they measure 64 inches.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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