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7-way Round to 7-Way flat Adapter Recommendation  


I have 7 pin round on the truck,a 7 pin flat on the trailer. need a adaptor. Also can you buy a 7 pin flat with 5 or 6 ft of cord, molded plug end ?


Expert Reply:

For a 7-way round to 7-way flat adapter you would want the part # HM47425.

For a 7-way extension that would give you 7 feet of extension you would want the part # C56080.

If by chance your tractor has separate taillight wiring, meaning that the turn signals and brake lights run on separate pins, you will need to add a converter, like the Curt # C56175. Just cut off the 4 way end and wire it into this adapter. I have attached a picture which illustrates this.

In order to determine if your tractor has separate or combined wiring, I recommend using a circuit tester like # PTW2993, to test the functions of each pin. When doing so you will also want to make sure that the connector on the tractor and the adapter are pinned alike. I have attached a picture for this as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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